Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Substance Abuse And Binge Drinking Essay - 1206 Words

Connor Pineda Dr. Cattrell English 1301 December 1, 2016 Substance Abuse and Binge Drinking in Bryan College Station Substance abuse is a major problem that takes place on college campuses across the nation in today’s society. According to The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse half of all full-time college students binge drink, abuse prescription drugs and/ or abuse illegal drugs. This amounts to 3.8 million students. This research essay will be focusing on substance abuse in the Bryan College Station area among students, and what solutions AM representatives can do to help reduce the issue. Three ways that substance abuse can be reduce on the AM campus is by educating students on the dangers of substance abuse, engaging with local law enforcement while also generating new rules on campus, and by changing the culture on campus. Substance abuse is the overindulgence in or dependence on an addictive substance, especially alcohol or drugs. The most popular substances that are abused among college students starts with alcohol at the top, and continues to Marijuana, and prescripti on drugs such as Adderall, and OxyContin. This problem primarily exists because many students go into college with habits of drug use and drinking causing the college environment to farther more provoke the problem. Other reasons that students turn to substance abuse are because of peer pressure, popular culture of the media, anxiety, depression, and just to get their mind off ofShow MoreRelatedSubstance Misuse Practices : Binge Drinking, Prescription Drug Abuse And Heroin Use Among Young Adults1994 Words   |  8 PagesThe following section discusses key strategies to address the substance misuse practices such as: binge drinking, prescription drug abuse and heroin use among NH young adults. 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